Benefits Of Using Quartz Stone For Your Homes In Melbourne

You walk along the lakeshore or beach and a stone catches your eye. It's no mistake here. It may seem like lifeless rocks, crystals, diamonds, fossils and shells, but some of the most energetically strong objects on our planet are these members of the mineral kingdom. If you feel drawn to a crystal or rock in nature or at a crystal store, there is definitely something that resonates with the molecular and energetic structure of that stone in your own body and mind. Minerals have a very stable atomic pattern that repeats and builds until the mineral is formed in an identical series. A very stable energy frequency that has the power to affect other energies around it is also released by this structure. Therefore, if you keep a crystal or see a stone you want to pick up, the chances are good that its energy has "zapped" yours, and you need what it has to say. If you think crystal healing is a hippie voodoo thing or not, if you open your mind to it, there is science and a ...